Parishioners involved in Liturgical Ministries are concerned with liturgical functions that serve as the primary demonstrative expressions of faith and worship, such as the sacraments, as well as programs explicitly involving spiritual growth and development.

Altar Guild
Members of the Altar Guild maintain order and cleanliness at the altar and its environs. For more information about this ministry and how to become involved contact Joan Estile or Martha Duca.

Altar Servers
Altar servers assist the priest and deacon at Mass. Boys and girls ages 10-18 and who have received Baptism and First Holy Communion can become alter servers. This ministry allows the young person to serve as a role model for the rest of the community.
For more information about this ministry and how to become involved contact Deacon David Reiser (704-535-9965;

Charismatic Prayer Groups
Praise and worship God under the inspiration of His Holy Spirit using the charismatic gifts (1 Cor 12) to express this praise and worship. Grow spiritually by focusing and growing closer to God and receiving the prayers and support of the group. Build up the body of Christ by giving love, support, and encouragement to members of our parish family.
The Spanish Prayer Group meets after the 7 PM Saturday mass.
The French African Prayer Group meets after the 11 AM mass on Sunday.
Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands.
Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing. - Psalm 100
Using both word and song to praise the Lord is both fulfilling and meaningful. For more information about this ministry and how to become involved contact Deacon Peter Duca.
Our Lady of Assumption has several choirs (English, African, Vietnamese and Spanish) that guide and inspire the congregation to sing during Masses, funerals, Stations of the Cross, and other functions of our diverse parish.
The Spanish choirs lead their fellow parishioners in song at the 7 PM Vigil Mass on Saturday and again on Sunday at 3 PM. To find out how to become more involved with this choir contact Francisco Diaz (704-361-8642) or Geovani Maroquin (704-564-0125)

Extraordinary Ministers
Extraordinary ministers (Spanish & English) distribute the Blessed Sacrament at Mass and to the sick and shut-ins. To become an extraordinary minister you must have received all the sacraments (Baptism, Holy Communion and Confirmation).
One minister commented “the joy of saying ‘the Body of Christ’ and seeing Christ in each person who responds ‘amen’ is awe inspiring.” Ministers are needed for both English and Spanish masses. For more information about this ministry and how to become involved contact Deacon Peter Duca about the English masses or Theresa Villalobos (980-224-7613) about the Spanish masses.

Lectors (Spanish & English) acclaim the Word of God with reverence and dignity at liturgical celebrations. To become a lector you must have received all the sacraments (Baptism, Holy Communion and Confirmation). One lector commented “the feeling of happiness in proclaiming the Word of God makes me feel closer to Christ.” Ministers are needed for both English and Spanish masses. For more information about this ministry and how to become involved contact Deacon Peter Duca about the English masses or Araceli Martin (704-713-5080) about the Spanish masses.
Ushers and Greeters
Ministers of hospitality offer a warm and helpful welcome to all parishioners and visitors. They help ensure a reverential setting for worship of God; assists others to worship God comfortably and attentively. For more information about this ministry and how to become involved contact Deacon Peter Duca.
The Liturgy
"Everything we see in a Catholic church is there for a single purpose: to tell a love story.” - Cardinal Donald Wuerl and Mike Aquilina