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Parish Life Ministries are concerned with those matters that build an internal parish family spirit and improves Christian life in the community of faith. They help members of the parish family develop a deeper understanding of and commitment to their respective roles within the church community. Included are programs of concern and support for single persons including the widowed, divorced and separated, and single parent families.

Knights of Columbus

Our Lady of Assumption’s local chapter of the international Knights of Columbus is comprised of Catholic men of faith and charitable action. Their mission is to spread love and provide unselfish service to church, country, and community. The chapter is open to Catholic men of the parish.

For more information about this ministry and how you can become involved contact James Whitsell (704-763-1658).

Like the Ladies Guild, men participating in this ministry plan events and activities to serve and bring our parish together in fellowship.

Activities to raise funds for the parish

  • Pancake Breakfast

  • BBQ in conjunction with the Ladies Guild Attic Sale

  • Various Raffles.

Fund raised from these activities are used to projects within the parish and across the diocese. 

Special benefits gained from this ministry include working with others toward one common interest in promoting faith, fellowship, and charity.

The mission of the Ladies Guild is to encourage service and socialization among members of the entire parish. The Guild plans events and activities to serve and bring our parish together in fellowship. All women 18 years of age and older are welcome. Join us to help build our parish.

The group meets monthly to plan and implement their various projects. For more information about this ministry and how you can become involved contact Mary Sparger (704-455-5365).

Service activities

  • Provides gifts and refreshments for children receiving Holy Communion and Confirmation.

  • Visit shut-ins several times during the year.

  • Host a Lenten Stations of the Cross meal.

  • Host Easter Egg hunt for children.

  • Help clean the church facilities.

  • and much more.

Fund raising activities

Funds raised are used to sponsor seminarians, support RCIA teachers, purchase items to support the liturgy, sponsor families in need, and much more. 

Additional Activities

Ladies Guild

Fish Group

This is a Ministry of hospitality where we gather to share our Catholic faith over a meal. Fish Groups are small groups, normally 6-10 people, who meet monthly at one party’s home for a meal. The host party party provides the main dish while the others bring side dishes. They are an excellent way to get to know others in the parish and build community.  New members to the parish are greatly encouraged to join this joyful ministry.

Groups meet when it is convenient for the members of the group. For more information about Fish Groups contact Nanci and Ray Case (704-544-8091).

Visiting Sick, Homebound, & Hospice Parishioners

If you are interested in helping with this ministry contact Deacon Kevin Williams (704-535-9965) or Deacon Luis Flores (704-535-9965)