The Immaculate Conception
Mary, portrayed in the Immaculate Conception, is the patroness of the United States of America.

Mary, Queen of Heaven
Mary is crowned the Queen of Heaven as symbolized by the capital letter “M”, surrounded by a corona of stars with the moon beneath.

The Agony in the Garden
Jesus prays, “Father, if you are willing, take this cup away from me; still, not my will but yours be done.”

Agnus Dei
Jesus is symbolized as the sacrificial “Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world.”

Our Lady of La Vang (Vietnam)
One night in 1798 Mary appeared to Vietnamese Catholics seeking refuge from King Canh Thinh, who forbade the practice of Catholicism. She promised to bless anyone who came to pray in La Vang, Vietnam.

The Wedding Feast of Cana
Symbolized by the water jugs, interlocking rings, the cross and the capital letter “M”, Mary is called to mind as mediating the performance of Jesus’ first miracle at Cana.

Young Jesus with the Teachers
After anxiously searching for Jesus, Mary found him in the temple in the midst of the teachers. All who heard him were astounded.

The Merciful Heart of Jesus
The merciful Jesus is symbolized in his divinely human heart which has radiating from its center rays of the love calling to mind the blood and water he expended on our behalf.

Our Lady of Guadalupe
Devotion to Mary, under the title of Our Lady of Guadalupe, is practiced by Spanish-speaking Catholics throughout the Americas.

“Behold Your Mother”
One of Jesus’ final acts of love was at Golgotha in giving us his mother which is symbolized by the silhouette of Mary crouched at the foot of His cross.

Jesus with the Children
Jesus said, “let the children come to me and do not prevent them.” The children with him are representative of some ethnic groups of the parish.

The Nativity
The star of the Magi, with the Alpha and the Omega nestled in the manger, symbolize the birth of Jesus, who is our beginning and our end.

Native American (Sioux) Assumption
Dressed in the regal clothing of the Sioux Nation, Mary is shown rising toward heaven with the moon under her feet.

Hail Mary! Full of the Spirit
Symbolized by the pair of doves in the form of hands with draped rosary, Mary is recognized as filled with the Holy Spirit.

The Resurrection
This figure depicts Jesus rising from his tomb, with burial cloth discarded and stone slab rent open.

The Greek letters meaning “Jesus Christ Son of God, Savior” are inscribed on the ancient symbol of the fish drawn from the catacombs. IKTHOS was selected with the parish “Fish Groups” in mind.

Black Madonna and Child
Clothed in traditional ethnic costume and holding the Child Jesus, Mary is portrayed as the beloved patroness of all Black people wherever the church has taken root among them.

The Magnificat
The silhouette of Mary with the scroll depicts her recitation of the Magnificat “My soul magnifies the Lord…”

Healing of the Man Born Blind
“Jesus spat on the ground and made clay with his saliva and smeared the clay on the blind man’s eyes.” The healing ministry of Jesus is depicted here.

By virtue of our baptism, we are called to be disciples of Jesus and “fishers of men.” This symbolized the ship powered by the “Chi Rho” sail with the net draped over the side.

Our Lady of Lourdes
Mary’s appearance to Bernadette at Lourdes sparks special devotion among Catholics of European descent.

Sword-Pierced Heart of Mary
The words of Simeon at the Presentation of the Lord are symbolized by the sword of sorrow piercing Mary’s heart.

The Good Shepard
Jesus said, “I am the good shepherd, and I know mine and mine know me.”

The Last Supper
The institution of the Eucharist is symbolized by the cup, encircled by twelve crosses, representative of the twelve apostles.

The Last Supper
The institution of the Eucharist is symbolized by the cup, encircled by twelve crosses, representative of the twelve apostles.
The stained glass windows of Our Lady of Assumption Church were hand-crafted by Laws Stained Glass Studio, Statesville, North Carolina. The Memorial Plaques were made by Dan Ryberg and donated to the parish in honor of his parents.
Stained Glass Windows
Blessed & dedicated on May 25, 1997, the twenty-four stained glass windows found in the sanctuary reflect key elements of the parish mission statement of Our Lady of the Assumption Church. Parishioners strive for that fullness of faith in Christ Jesus that Mary, His mother, possessed. The windows, designed by the parish’s Environment and Art Committee, under the leadership of pastor, Father Francis P. Gillespie, S. J., reflect their belief that Mary leads us to Christ. The lower windows contain both Marian and Christ FIGURES while the upper windows contain Marian and Christ SYMBOLS.
The Christ figures were carefully selected to reflect episodes in Jesus’ saving mission and the professed companionship parishioners have in His ongoing mission. The Marian figures echo the parishioner’s awareness of their “blest cultural diversity.” Thus, they represent the American, European, African, Hispanic, Native American, and Asian peoples who gather to worship here as one faith community.